Hello all Kerry Ryan here……..
From the mouths of babes…………………………………
I got home last night and my cheerful daughter Kayla met me at the door (as per usual). She follows me around the house as I adjust to home life, kiss my wife, say a hello to my son and so on. Well, I finally arrive in the kitchen to put together dinner and my daughter asks,” you know what I want for Easter daddy” thinking candy, Easter eggs or those marshmallow chickens I state flatly,” no honey what do you want” Kayla replies,” I want gold and diamonds”. I say,’Huh”, she states again, “ I want gold and diamonds”. To say the least I’m a bit flabbergasted and start chuckling to which I get the response,” and a chocolate bunny too.”
Thankfully for my business, the education in diamonds starts young. The girls all seem to go to the same school, which is okay by me. Unfortunately, us guys tend to start our education much later in life, usually around the time when we here,” you know Mike we’ve been dating for two years now and my girlfriend Susan just got an engagement ring, and her and Bob have only been dating a year what’s up with that.” At this point Mike has two options, and the smoothest path is to get that Diamond Engagement Ring. The other option can be quite sticky and messy.
Well Mike, I can tell you we at Shenoa Diamonds are here to help with the education, the process of choosing the right diamond and setting to go along with it. I’m sure Mike is sweating beads and afraid of the unknown (and at this point cursing Bob). No worries, we are real easy to deal with and Mike knows he’s deeply in love with his girlfriend and was just postponing the inevitable.
So this ditty’s motto should be, At Shenoa & CO relax don’t sweat the small stuff we’ll take care of that for you , you just take care of the rest of your lives!!!!!!!
Happy Hunting!!!!!!!!!
Kerry M. Ryan
Production and Design Manager
Shenoa & Co.
201-927-6725 Mobile
212-764-1625 Office
Posted via web from Shenoa & Company - Diamonds, Engagement Rings and Fine Jewelry
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