Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Very Happy New Years To All

Hello all Kerry Ryan here……….

 Wishing all the will to  attain their dreams and the hope that you get there!!!!!!


     A new year has begun and with it come the resolutions  made some attainable and others far-fetched, you know the usual: lose   weight, quit  smoking, and work out and the far- fetched: lose weight, quit smoking,   and work  out.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

 Well at Shenoa & Co. We try to keep the resolutions  within reason and this year is no different let me give you an overview:


Specially Made for a Special Shenoa Customer. Part 1 of the "Viginia Mia" Collection. Over 300 Round Brilliant Micro set with a 10ct Heart Shape Diamond

1)       Customer  Service this always takes priority at Shenoa and we will review what we did in  2010 and tweak what we think is necessary for 2011 an example being: will be  better educating our customers about costs where we used to not charge for  certain repairs with the spiraling prices of precious metals we can no longer  do so. While we feel our customers will understand a thorough explanation will  go a long way in helping their understanding.


2)       Inventory  will be revamped and refreshed, while maintaining our cutting edge into newer  designs and experimentation, we will not forsake the classics (they are  classics for a reason), we will take a long hard look at older pieces and see  if they are still viable, again we look forward to introducing new styles of  engagement rings, wedding bands, diamond bracelets and necklaces while keeping  in mind the need for the staples: diamond studs, classic tennis bracelets and  necklaces etc.

 3)       With great  anticipation that 2011 will be a better year then 2010 we look forward to  expanding our diamond inventory strongly feeling that the strength of the  Cushion Cut and Radiant Cut Diamond will continue to be in high demand. This is  a resolution we make every year and if you stop by Shenoa & CO you’ll  see for yourself that our inventory of loose diamonds is unparalleled, so that  is an open invite ladies and gentlemen.


       Personally I wish to be  in better contact with my customer base; I welcome all feedback and look  forward to our little talks. I will be introducing new styles in the upcoming  weeks and months and promise that you all will be the first to preview


        While this may  not be a resolution as I do often I invite one and all to stop by the store in  NYC the actual address is 1 West 47th Street between 5th and  6th Ave so if you are making a trip to NYC come knock on our door we  would be happy to see you, remember we are open 7 days a week so there are no  excuses.  Make this the year you bring that special someone in or yourself  in to pick something up for that special someone. Life is more then a point and  click, human interaction can never be replaced by a screen and a keyboard so  stop on by we’ll have a smile waiting for you and go on from there.


Okay guys that’s a few I’m sure there’s  more and we will get to them eventually…….


Happy New Year!!!!!!!


Kerry M. Ryan

Production and Design Manager

Shenoa & Co.

201-927-6525 Mobile

212-764-1625 Office

Posted via email from Shenoa & Company - Diamonds, Engagement Rings and Fine Jewelry

1 comment:

  1. Its very beautiful written post on jewelry. you know I love buying jewelry very much. Its my favorite time pass. Diamond is my lucky birthstone and I love wearing it.
    vintage style rings
