Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to give him the right directions when he is shopping for the perfect diamond engagement ring for you

Hello all! Kerry Ryan here…

Let’s hear it for the Girls!!!

Okay let’s stay in the suggestion venue and with get to the today’s topic: Ladies, this one’s mostly directed towards you. We men, when it’s boiled down are really quite simple. A good meal, a nice drink, someone to love and simple directions are our basic needs.

So let’s talk about simple directions to give to the guys when it’s your jewelry needs that are concerned. Let’s face it; most men abhor shopping including myself. I buy; I don’t shop so when I walk into a store it’s with every intention of buying what I went in there for. So ladies how do you help your man arrive at the buying stage; here are some simple suggestions:

- Do the shopping for him; while some men like the whole experience of picking out a diamond engagement ring from start to finish, most prefer to just be there for the finishing stages. So girls, figure out the style of engagement ring that you like (giving the guy a few choices empowers him), go out with your girlfriends, mom, sisters etc. to find out what you like and then convey it to him.

- Be reasonable, don’t shoot for the stars, guys tend to think with their wallet so maybe the two of you should get a feeling for his budget. If shopping with him then try not to pick out the most expensive ring, 1st lead him that way if the budget allows

- As a man myself our attention span isn’t as long as yours so if shopping together go to a couple of stores, not all of them

- Remember most women are size oriented and men are quality oriented, the need to find a happy medium is imperative.

- I say this in almost all my articles; if you are together, have fun, engagement ring shopping should be a fun and rewarding experience three words: Live-Laugh-Love

- Men have to do this on a full stomach and that goes for most things in life (this is probably the most important suggestion; hungry men tend to be cranky).

So that’s enough for today, don’t get me wrong there are guys out there that are super control freaks and need to analyze things to the nth degree, for these gentleman we at Shenoa Diamonds are prepared also but alas that is another day’s lesson.

Happy Hunting and have a great day!

Kerry M. Ryan
Production and Design Manager

Shenoa & Co.

1 West 47th Street
Diamond District
New York, NY 10036

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