Friday, April 24, 2009

Hope this story brings a smile to you as it did to me.

Hello all, Kerry Ryan here!!

On the lighter side of the jewelry business I have a story to share with you.

I have a lady client (she’s been my customer for years) let’s say she is just a bit demanding and tends to find everything too inconvenient. Well I sell her a beautiful diamond eternity ring, I suggest it needs to have the size adjusted slightly, as usual she nicely disagrees and not having the time, decides to wear it away. So it does not surprise me that a few weeks later this same client gives me a call, it goes as follows:

Client: “Hello Kerry Mrs. Bialystock (not her real name) here, remember that diamond ring I bought from you a couple of weeks ago?”

Myself: “Of course Mrs. Bialystock who could forget that sparkler. With that said how can I be of service?”

Client: ”It is absolutely gorgeous and I am totally thrilled with it (here comes the but) but I have a small problem.”

M: ”And what would that be?”

Client: ”It’s too tight and I need it sized.”

M: ”No problem (as I’m biting my tongue), come on down and we will take care of it while you wait.”

Client: “well that’s the problem it’s stuck on my finger and I’ve tried every which way and I can’t get it off!!”

M: “All the more reason to come down and let me work on it, I promise I’ll be gentle.”

Client: “Well, that’s just too inconvenient for me to come there, I’ll just ship it!

Here’s where I put down the phone (picturing a box being delivered with a ring in it attach to a finger) didn’t want Mrs. Bialystock hearing me chuckle. We did eventually work out the sizing issue and no blood was spilled.

Hope this story brings a smile to you as it did to me.

Speak Soon.

Kerry Ryan
Shenoa & Co.

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