Thursday, November 5, 2009

Diamonds and diamond jewelry are all about passion and unique stories, I’ve told you some of mine so tell us some of yours.

Hello all, Kerry Ryan here…

It’s all about you…

When I write these pieces they are meant for you, our customer and friend or future one. These stories are meant to educate, stir passion, and perhaps interest but all along they are for you.

They are for Joe who’s scraped together a couple of thousand through hard work to spend on an engagement ring for his girlfriend Mary, he knows it’s not a ton of money but you know what, to him it is so he needs to be treated like he’s spending a million bucks. The important part is that Joe is treated specially, not rushed by some uncaring salesperson that shows him one ring and flatly states, that’s what he can afford; take it or leave it. No way no how that is going to happen at Shenoa & Co. if I have anything to do with it. Joe will be treated as if he’s my most important customer because at that time he is and it is paramount that we find a diamond ring for Mary that is spectacular for her and that Joe is proud to give it to her.

If I’ve learned anything is that the Joes in this world turn into lifelong customers who will recommend all friends and families when treated respectfully and fairly.

These stories are for Isabella who just landed that big promotion at her job and wants to treat herself to diamond earrings I know for a fact that most sales people blow off single woman because they feel that they are not buyers, not at Shenoa, we will spend the time to find the right pair of earrings. Hey Isabella, you know you are important, we think so too.

They are for a guy named Miles who he knows that he short changed his wife last Christmas but the economy stunk and he didn’t really feel comfortable with his standing at his job so he held off. Well not this Christmas, come hell or high water Jacqueline is getting that fancy yellow diamond ring that she’s had her eye on. Miles has been a longtime customer at Shenoa and knows their selection is unparalleled so this year it’s happening, hell you can’t take it with you, no time like the present.

So please, I welcome all feedback; share your stories, your likes, your passions. Diamonds and diamond jewelry are all about passion and unique stories; I’ve told you some of mine (and will continue to do so) tell us some of yours, there are a lot out there I’m sure!!!

Have a great day!

Kerry Ryan
Shenoa Diamonds

1 West 47th Street
Diamond District
New York, NY 10036


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